Wednesday, May 31, 2006

What my God thinks of The Da Vinci Code

God has been watching a box office movie, lately, as I did this afternoon. I have to confess that I had been such a coward not to dare reading Da Vinci Code book. I was afraid that I might get lost in the "stories" told in the book. Until, then, I was sure God gave me this courage to start reading it so that I can understand what people are going through at this very moment.

I am glad that I am not trapped in the story. I even went to the movie.

John Fischer sent this devotional reading to my inbox this evening. Thank you, Mr. Fischer.

With The Da Vinci Code enjoying another weekend at the box office, the debate about the story's outrageous claims continues. What makes them outrageous is not that they haven't been presented before, but that they are presented with such convincing aplomb and supported by “mountains” of documentation. Of course the whole story is a fast fiction ride, documents included, but people who aren't careful about their history may not know that. Herein lies the concern of many Christians: How will people find out these claims are lies, and who will tell them?

The answer to that question lies more in the way God has set up the universe than anything. It's not an unusual question, nor is it new on the scene. It has actually been a valid question for as long as we have recorded history.

According to the Bible, God created this planet, put human beings on it, and let evil loose in the place as well as good (at least this is the shortened version of the story). Why he did this is only up to speculation as far as we are concerned, but it means that, from the beginning, we have existed surrounded by truth and error and with limited ability to tell one from the other. One could easily panic over this, but it appears that God hasn't. He seems to have a way of knowing that those who truly seek him will reach their destination, and he not only knows this, he guarantees it.

For this reason he is not too concerned about all the lies floating around. Nor does he seem to be running around nervously trying to correct every new falsehood that surfaces. In fact, some of these falsehoods appear to be getting along quite well in the world. God trusts an innate ability to recognize truth that he has placed in people, and the drama of finding that out seems to be part of the unfolding story.

Yes, people are going to be led astray by The Da Vinci Code just as they have been led astray by countless other fictions and fabrications of the truth throughout history, but the people who are led astray are the ones who are going to be fooled anyway, if not by this, then by the next thing to come along. These are people, in fact, who move from one thing to another and never alight on the truth precisely because they are not seeking the truth while those who truly are seeking are given the ability to see.

This does not mean that we don't make intelligent attempts to uphold the truth and discredit falsehood. But these will do more to confirm those who are honestly looking than to get anyone to radically change his or her mind about things. There are other factors at work here beyond our control.

To those who are open to my teaching, more understanding will be given, and they will have an abundance of knowledge. But to those who are not listening, even what they have will be taken away from them. (Matthew 13:12 NLT)

I am so glad that I am given the ability to see.
I heard that many Christians do not oppose this movie. They stick a headline on its poster: 'seek the truth'. Yes, seek the truths, my friends. Do not let Langdon and Neveu decrypt the cryptex for you, decrypt it by asking God's wisdom to see.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the Bible God's Word?

Tuhan itu Esa (monotheisme), bukan Trinitas
1. Tauhid Nabi Musa (Ulangan 4:35, Ulangan 6:4, Ulangan 32:39).
2. Tauhid Nabi Daud (II Samuel 7:22, Mazmur 86:Cool.
3. Tauhid Nabi Sulaiman (I Raja-raja 8:23).
4. Tauhid Nabi Yesaya (Yesaya 43: 10-11, Yesaya 44:6,Yesaya 45:5-6, Yesaya 46:9).
5. Tauhid Yesus (Markus 12:29, Yohanes 5:30, Yohanes 17:3).

Yesus bukan Tuhan dan tidak sama dengan Tuhan
1. Yesus lebih kecil daripada Tuhan (Yohanes 10:29).
2. Tuhan lebih besar dari pada Yesus (Yohanes 14:2Cool.
3. Yesus duduk di sebelah kanan Tuhan (Markus 16:19, Roma 8:4).
4. Yesus berdiri di sebelah kanan Tuhan (Kisah Para Rasul 7:56).
5. Allah tahu kapan datangnya kiamat, sedang Yesus tidak tahu (Matius 24:36).
6. Yesus bersyukur kepada Tuhan (Matius ll:25, Lukas 10:21).
7. Yesus berteriak memanggil Tuhan (Matius 27:46, Markus 15:34).
8. Yesus menyerahkan nyawanya kepada Tuhan (Lukas 23:44-46, Yohanes 19:30).
9. Yesus disetir oleh Tuhan (Yohanes 5:30).

Yesus adalah utusan Tuhan (Rasul Allah)
Dalil : Markus 9:37, Yohanes 5:24,30, 7:29,33, 8:16,18,26, 9:4, 10:36, II:42,13:20,16:5, 17:3,8,23,25.

Tidak ada dosa waris dan Penebusan dosa
Para nabi Allah tidak ada yang mengajarkan Dosa Waris dan Penebusan Dosa. Risalah Allah yang dibawa oleh semua nabi-Nya itu pada hakekatnya sama saja, yaitu Tauhid dan amal shalih. Semua nabi menekankan adanya tanggung jawab individu atas segala perbuatan setiap manusia (Yehezkiel 18:20, Ulangan 24:16, Matius 16:27, Yeremia 31:29-30, II Tawarikh 25:4).

2:30 AM  
Blogger Oma Nia said...

hello Good_friend! kadang memang banyak hal yang kelihatannya tidak mendukung kekristenan. tapi dengan iman dan keyakinan, saya percaya bahwa Tuhan yang saya percaya itu benar. Dia mati untuk saya dan tebus dosa saya :) if u wanna talk about it more, i would be more than happy to do that :) GBU

1:00 AM  
Blogger Djo said...

well said, nia... :)

6:55 PM  

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