Thursday, October 14, 2004

Nijmegen 1-3 October 2004 (part 2)

He did!!
Kendall read 2 Corinthians 5:19, which said that He reconciled us to Himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. Furthermore, he mentioned Indonesia as a country that needs gospel; there were still a lot of people haven’t heard the gospel. It answered my prayer; I was sure. I’ve been praying for this.

Referring back to my internship, my supervisor had once offered me to help in Indonesian office, in Jakarta. Another offer from him was to work in United Kingdom in OMF office at Indonesian section. Thus, there were actually some opportunities and signs that might show ‘my path’. Moreover, Indonesia has been in bad condition recently, thus I had indeed prayed for my country, for new president, political situations and many more. Thus, Kendall’s word was indeed a confirmation for me.

The funny part was I stunned; I was amazed. Thus, after Kendall read that phrase, moved forward with his preach and ended with prayer, I was still in my stunning position. In the end, I was awakened by God’s voice that told me it was real. I encountered Kendall and asked him to pray for me. Another good news is that he offered me to join English bible study short course in Amsterdam on January, which will talk about being missionary in Moslem countries. Praise the Lord! I’ve been looking for a bible college and now there is this opportunity.

One More,..
Other blessings I received this weekend were on the last day.
Have you been to 5-hours Sunday Service? I have, which was at that weekend. It was amazing how we kept praying and praying. The Holy Spirit came to that place and cleansed us. One thing that I want to share is related to my feeling of being distant with many people. God spoke to me that Son of God came to the world not to be served but to serve, so do Christians (Matthew 20:28); so should I. Maybe I felt distant; I felt that no one noticed me, and talked to me properly. Now, I could say that I was wrong. If no one came and talked to you, why don’t you come to them first?

I have practiced it last week, and good news, it worked!!
Not only in the Jeugd weekend, but last week in Sunday service.

Last thing (I don’t think it is) is when I saw many people prayed together, especially brothers and sisters prayed together. I was really touched. I remembered that I had a younger brother in Indonesia. We are okay, but we’d never prayed together like that. Oh, I would do that if I go back to Indonesia.

Thus, it was Jeugd Weekend! Many things happened. Now, I have to go back to the real world, move out from my comfort zone, and start sharing God’s love to other people.

One thing, please pray for me about the calling I have to go to Indonesia as well as my opportunity to study in bible college. I always pray day and night. Praise the lord!


Blogger ElvinaMagdalena said...

Hai Ni,
Eh kesaksianmu nice ya. Turut senang deh. O iay, tau ga sih Ni, akhirnya aku beli buku Driven Purposed Life itu. Pas pualng k A'dam 2 mggu yg lalu.

Bener deh Ni, kayaknya tiap kli baca buku itu, kejadian sekitarku thu ga jauh beda dg apa yg diajarin di bukunya. Tiba2 aja ada moment2 yg kok sama dg yg diceritakan di buku itu. Misalkan kayak sblm gw k Counselling seminar, gw baca itu buku. Eh, ternyata yg dibahas di seminar thu ga jauh2 dg apa yg gw baca di buku.

Dan itu bukan sekali dua kli loh. Gtu dulu dr Vina. Sukses dg placementnya ya!! Bubbyee...!!

VINA dunnkkssss.....

9:35 PM  

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