Tuesday, August 10, 2004

LOVE sets you free

No body never heard the title above, I believe so. Even Sting and The Police sang a song about it, called "if you love someone set them free", or Kelly Price that sang "Love sets you free". What funny is, I found a site full of jokes about love that set you free. Check this out !!http://www.openface.ca/~dstephen/love.htm

I do personally want to share something. When you read or hear about love that set you free, you would probably think that It is indeed sweet, but which loser would do that. Some of you might think that if you love someone, you have to keep them so tight that you could not lose them, or probably if you have let them free, which means you broke up with them, you mostly wouldn't take them back. Am I right? At least it is for me. So, for me 'love sets you free theory' would never exist.

But someone has proven that I was wrong. Yes, indeed, I am wrong.

We'd been together for a long time. I would not mention how long it is. We'd been through long-distance relationship as well, which was terribly difficult; it was also the reason why we broke up. Cliche huh? Okay,.. I won't talk about LDR, but, let me tell you a wonderful story about the topic above.

Our relationship had to be ended last December (Uh, I don't literally remember the date), but since then, we still had a good relation. We called each other, sent e-mails and SMS, and basically, we were still thinking about each other. But for me, it was just until a couple months. After that, I had a lot of tempations that I could hardly resist, so that occasionally I forgot him, then thought about him again.

Watching your friends in couples would make you feel sad. Sometime it was the reason why I could like someone else. Bad huh? But at that time I didn't feel that way; I thought "Okay, I am single, so why I should be still burdened with my last relationship. How about if God wants me to find someone else?", thus I was kind of open myself to a new relationship. However, I've never had any serious relationship with anyone; just in the line of interesting in someone or looking cute guys.

Lately, I realised how much love my ex-boyfriend has for me. He still patiently waits for me. He called me and ocassionally sent me e-mail, though not often, but it shows he is care about me. Many things happened lately, which awakened me from my unconciousness. I, now, can clearly see who he is. I, then, repented my faults and he forgave me and understood what I did.

If I were him, I would not do as he does now. He knew what I did; he knew when I fell down, but He still wants me back. It is proven the 'love sets you free' theory.

No no,.. it is not happy ending yet. I can write this post after the last conversation with him, though we are not together yet. We still prefer to stay friends until we meet again. In the mean time, we pray to God to follow His will.



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