Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Dear friends, family, and colleague,

I am again in Jakarta today. I have been quite tired with all the trips, transport from one place to the others. Yet, I feel that I am really blessed with what happened lately. I felt God’s presence in the team, and especially in my life.

Last week we were in Lampung, in Imanuel Hospital Way Halim, Bandar Lampung. It was a precious moment there. Imanuel hospital is a mission hospital where the goal of the hospital in not for profit.

First day, we went to the patients with the evangelization team. We prayed for them. The teams do it everyday. They visit the patients, pray for them and also share the gospel. I’d never heard this kind of situation before. It is really special.

The first day was really interesting for me, because I HAD to pray for the patients. On the other hand, most of the other team members felt a little bit useless. They found difficult to communicate with the patients as well as with the workers. We prayed for it, because we know that it was Satan’s attack trying to defeat us.

The second day was very special. We started the day with prayer, like the day before. However, this day, we started not with visiting patients, but some of us went directly to the operation room, to see how the operations are. Joost and Karin went to the operation room. Four of us, I, Tamara, Magg, and Benjamin, went to see the management in the hospital. It was great! Tamara, Magg, and I could help them with our experiences and study. This second day was special because unexpectedly we were brought to the emergency room, and we saw three victims of the car accident: two children and a woman. Shortly, we prayed for them in the emergency room. Yet, the woman’s life couldn’t be spared; she passed away.

It was a big shock for us, especially me. I’d never seen that situation before.

Yet these two days we’ve learned to pray for others and dare to pray (the hospital is not only for Christians 90% are non-Christians).

On Saturday, we had a teaching about healings. Tim, Magg and Tamara had to speak. It was really good, although I noticed that it was quite a heavy subject. What amazing was that I prayed for someone for her brother’s sickness. First, I was the one who was really unconfident with praying for someone else, because I felt that I had no talent in healing. I was afraid. The team had prayed for me, for my fear. Amazingly, God used me 

On Sunday, one of us had to preach in the church, which is ME! Ups,.. I was really nervous at the first place. I’d prayed for this a couple days before. I felt that God can help me to do this. I can do this, with His help. The preach is about the stewardship: to give yourself, all aspects of your life, to God. Thus, I said about how good God is and based the teaching on Hebrews 11:8 about Abraham’s faith.

It was a precious moment, a really good experience.
I felt God’s leading. I realized that I could never do it by myself. Can you imagine, speaking in front of 100 people, adults and in the real church? Fewh,.. but really, God was working at that moment. Thank God that through my preach, a lot of people were touched. Thanks God!

Yesterday we had a free time!
We went to the beach and in the evening we had the bible study. Karin led the bible study. It was about Ephesians 6: Husbands and Wives – Relationship with others and God. I learned a lot about this topic.

Thank you for still thinking of me in your prayer. Thank you for supporting me in whatsoever.

Here are the prayer points:
1. Thank God for His blessings in the team, especially in finance and accommodation during our visit in Lampung.
2. Thank God that the team can be a blessing for others.
3. Thank God, too, for the good teachings in Lampung
4. Thank God also for He healed me from sea sick (I had no problem during the trip from Lampung-Jakarta)
5. Pray for our last trip to Medan, so that God will use us more and more.
6. Please pray for our health.
7. Also pray for the work of Imanuel Hospital and the lovely people there.

Thank you,

God bless you



Anonymous Anonymous said...

pengalaman yang menarik banget,
en selain itu gaya menulisnya juga keren. aku jadi ngerasa ikut berada dalam situasi kalian. tau gak, aku merinding loh baca pengalaman kalian dirumah sakit en juga ikut senang, ngeliat kamu berani khotbah.hehehe........jadi pengen denger kamu khotbahnya kayak apa.hahaha........
update terus ya, jadi bisa tau pengalaman kalian. sante aja, kudukung dalam doa deh......
(commentnya bahasa ibu gpp kan?, mdh2an gpp) :)


pendekar cinta
dibawah taburan bunga sakura

12:24 PM  

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