Monday, July 04, 2005

stop for a moment

The second week in Surabaya.

I am tired, as if I had enough and want to return to my independent world. I am changed, by all circumstances. First, it was totally fun, meeting new people, old friends, family, yet in the beginning of my second week, it is like i would say, Enough!

Everywhere, I meet people. My quite time, my lonely time, even my sleepy time, are shorten.

Let me introduce you a new, modern, Israelitie!

In the Moses era, the Israelties always mouned, forgot to give thank to God. I won't be like that anyway,.. maybe I just need a rest.

For people who I've met in my first week, do not feel offended please,.. it is the effect of the long travel and hard working before I came to Indo. :) sorry, guys


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