Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Travel back

I smiled.
It was very early in the morning that I was about to leave Meulaboh. My friend waved me off at the door of Lorong Salam (my address in Meulaboh). I was relieved. *Sighing* I normally have I-must-have-forgotten-something syndrome. What’s that? Okay, it is an illness where you always feel that must have forgotten something before you travel or go to another place. I am not very good at writing to-do list or to-bring list; yet I always carefully think over what I have put in my luggage and what I still need to put in. Yet, a couple hours before I leave, I would always worry. “Oh, have I brought toothpaste?” “Hm,.. where have I put the charger?” “Oh my goodness, I think I left my lipstick on the table!”

That morning, I was very relaxed. I prayed, “God, please travel with me.” It was just like any other morning, except I had particular excitement in my heart. “I am going home!” I shouted it in my heart. Suddenly, my mobile phone vibrated. Ibu Glenys. “Dear, where are you?” I gasped. Her voice sounded a little bit strange. “The plane will be leaving in 3 minutes. If you are not here in 3 minutes, they will leave Meulaboh without you.” My heart stopped beating. “Bu Glenys, the plane is normally flying at 8 o’clock. It is not 7 o’clock.” I am not sure why I said that. “Yes, dear, it is almost Idul Fitri. Thus, the planes fly three times a day and the first flight is at 7.”

I thanked her, turned of my mobile, asked Pak Khairul (my driver) to rush and prayed. THANK GOD! I made it.

I was very relieved, double relieved, I reckon. I arrived in Medan safely. I was a little bit upset because I thought that I only needed to wait for 1.5 hours; yet because the flight from Meulaboh flew one-hour earlier, I had to wait for 2.5 hours. Gosh! Waiting is always unpleasant, is it? However I had fun. I brought my notes and I wrote (some of my writing will be shared in this blog ASAP). “Because of operational issue, the flight to Jakarta is delayed for 1 hour.” I was even more disappointed. Gosh,.. Yet, I was very into writing. I wrote quite a few pages.

Before I realised it, I was already in the plane to Jakarta. I sat next to a very nice old chap from Central Java. Two hours went by. I was very happy because within a couple hours I would be in Surabaya, meeting my parents and especially Stefy.

In Jakarta, it turned out to be a hassle, too. *Take a deep breath, Nia!* I reckon, it was because of the weather (very changeable) and operational issue that almost all Lion Air flights were delayed. My flight to Surabaya was delayed for 2 hours. My goodness.

Thus, that time I decided to read "five languages of love for singles". Good that I carried a book with me.

*One hour went by*

I took my Notes and a pen. I wrote again. This time, I didn't really enjoy writing. I had to write to kill my time.

Finally the announcement said that we could board.

Long story short, I arrived at Juanda Airport Surabaya, in a very bad condition - tired and upset. Another problem turned out in the Airport. My luggage was missing. I had to report to Lion Air office and waited for quite some times.

What a day! So far I remember, I travelled for 14 hours. Hahahaa,.. I could be in the Netherlands with the same amount of travel time.

Anyway,.. I am glad to be back in Surabaya. Idul Fitri!!!


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