Monday, August 07, 2006

Unposted letter

Dear Stefy,

It is foolish to write a letter while I can talk to you in live, face-to-face. Yet, I think it is because we have been on four years long-distance relationship. It is easier for me to type my feeling in a piece of paper.

I am sure you have heard this many times; you have realized it, too, I believe. I am so glad that I am able to meet you again, to meet you face-to-face. I cannot stop thanking God for this opportunity.

Yet, I thought it would be forever; I thought I would not be separated from you anymore. The fact is that it is probably that I am going away, again. Jakarta is not very far, yet it is indeed a distance that we should comprehend.

I, often, think that it is unfair for you, also for us that I leave you like this once again, that I seemingly put our relationship in a third or forth place in my life. If you ever think like this, no,.. I really am proud of our relationship, but on the other hand, I know that God is asking me to do something else. Once I have ever perceived God as a cruel being. Why ain’t it enough to examine our relationship?? Four years, separated from each other. Isn’t that more than enough? Then, you told me that He has a beautiful plan for us. I knew that, yet when you are in such situation, you just can’t think rationally anymore, can you?

You know what I am now most afraid of? I am scared to imagine that once, I hope it will NEVER happen, you wake up one night and you realize that our relationship ain’t gonna work out because of another distance we have to comprehend. I am so scared.

I confess, sometimes, when you are not on your mood or you are just too tired to joke around with me, I would be so petrified thinking that maybe you’d had that kind of night I mentioned above; you woke up the night before, or the afternoon, thinking that our relationship is just a dream to be realized.

Ah, I think I am just to dependant on my feeling, my strength and my ability. One hand, I know I can go through this, because we have been through 4 years LDR, and because we have such an amazing and loving GOD, but on the other hand, I am just too afraid that we have had it and now we would kind of tired of doing it again and again.

Do you think that I don’t rely on Him? Do you think that I am too self-centred?

I hate being so pathetic like this, but, have you ever imagined why things always happen not as how we had expected to happen? I love God and I know His sovereignty, but can I ever propose just one thing? Ah, I know He knows the best. Maybe you are right; maybe we just need to surrender everything, every single thing to Him.

Where would I be? I don’t know, but yeah,.. let us rely on something we know would never change, GOD.

In case you don’t know, I love you :P Thanks for supporting me and being a very great friend and brother to me. Please keep praying for me, please do, every night.



Blogger R.e.t.h said...

Ola bex's...
Hmm, dalem yak? But it's really good enuf you can stick on your relationship until this 4 years even it's long distance, wow..It's true indeed that when we build a relationship with someone it's juz need the quality part, not quantity. And you've prove it! Great.. ^^

4:26 PM  
Blogger R.e.t.h said...

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4:26 PM  
Blogger R.e.t.h said...

Ola bex's...
Hmm, dalem yak? But it's really good enuf you can stick on your relationship until this 4 years even it's long distance, wow..It's true indeed that when we build a relationship with someone it's juz need the quality part, not quantity. And you've prove it! Great.. ^^

4:28 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

nie, i hope you talked to stefy "live" about this already :)
gbu, sis..

1:43 AM  
Blogger Oma Nia said...

heheheh,.. thanks friends. Fool of me for thinking this way! I haven't talked this to stefy yet. I ain't got the courage. :( and i don't think it it s necessary

2:50 PM  

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