Saturday, March 25, 2006

In the middle of the night


Some people said it is an illness, a sickness not being able to sleep.
For me..

Insomnia is rather a choice

..a choice not to sleep.

Many unfinished business.

I don't know how I have managed my days lately.
I have made appointments to everyone. I said 'yes' to almost everything.
I kept writing unnecessary things,..
browsing silly stuffs on the Internet
not even thinking that I have to face my old, nice, wise tutor on Monday

My goodness!
Lend me your courage to say 'no'
to stop everybody tempting me, asking me to do this, or that
to shut the world up! so that I can just sit behind my laptop
to concentrate ONLY on my final dissertation, my case study.

In the end of the day, when I fad up
I usually cry,.. saying to the world,. I miss home,..
calling up my mom,..
or Stefy,..
saying I miss you, I miss home, I wanna go home ASAP!
even worse, I will suffer an idle-thought-syndrome: me thinking about non-sense.

Is it winter depression?
Is it a stress?
Is it an illness?

No, Nia
It is just you being lazy.

Now,.. continue your case study, lady!

p.s. for everyone who know how to write case study, please supervise me!! I am begging you.


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