Saturday, March 04, 2006

Nothing worth having comes easy

I am now, at this very moment, ready to go to bed. I was, two hours ago, also very ready for bed. I have planned my night so well: watching Scrubs, reading some PDFs I received from Jimmy, reading my ‘every woman’s battle’ book and sleeping. However, I ruined it. I kept watching Scrubs, because Carla and Turk were in problems; they might be having divorced.

Anyhoe (it is my new word, getting from J.D. from Scrubs, which means ‘anyway’), the last episode I watched did really make me cry. Dr. Bob Kelso was warning his overweight patient who wanted to have bypass surgery because she was afraid of going through exercises and having diet to lose weight. Then, Dr. Kelso said “…Nothing worth having comes easy.”

It was the time when tears came out.

I realized it occurring in my family situation; actually, our finance situation. Some of you might know that my family has faced very difficult situation lately and it has been almost four years. There were moments when I and also my mum were stressed out, desperate and felt that God might have forgotten my family. As I have ever shared, I had ever thought that God might have forgotten our home address; he forgot where he had to post His blessings.

Everything seemed too long. We had done our best; yet there wasn’t any result. There were even worse moments when our friends deceived us; they were very discouraging moments.

There were also some periods when I always went to bed, crying, asking God what His plan actually was; what He actually had in His mind.

It is faith that keeps me together until this very day. It is faith that makes me sure that God didn’t despise me, despise us. It is faith that makes me choose to put my trust in Him and trust in His unfailing love.

Psalm 22: 23-24

You who fear the LORD, praise him!

For he has not despised or disdained
the suffering of the afflicted one;
he has not hidden his face from him
but has listened to his cry for help.

There were a moment, when I was down, very down and my mum seemed stressed, too. I remembered, then, I said “Mum, don’t worry! Probably God actually wants to give us a lot of money in the end. He would make us a millionaire. You know,.. so that’s why we now have to suffer. It is like a practice! Thus, if we are rich, later, we will not be arrogant. We will always humble and remember these days.” It was actually a joke. It cheered us up, though.

We kept praying. I fasted, though never completed, yet I tried. My mum did, too. I believe my dad, who barely talked to me about this sort of thing, prayed even harder (not harder as using harder voice, but more seriously); so did my brotha,..!

And He did answer our prayers.

We made it! We have been through the test. Okay,.. probably not 100% yet, not completed yet, however my mum and I could sense that we are not on the right track.

I can now imagine, God is saying from heaven “So, Nia, nothing worth having comes easy.”

Are you now in the same situation like I did or do? Do you doubt that someone is actually listening to your prayer? Or do you not even bother to pray? I tell you, friends, do pray. Like Abram was very bold to approach God to bargain about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra, and God listened and approved His prayer, we are also able to approach Him, talk to Him and say anything out of your heart.

Are you now sitting in a “waiting room”? you have been prayed wholeheartedly, yet no answers yet; trust in Him and wait patiently for Him. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy. It applies to everything; either it is you crave for a new pair of boots, you are desperately willing to fly back home as soon as possible, you are tired of working extra shifts just to pay your rent, or it is you have to wait for the ‘moment’ of your relationship.

Okay,.. now say it after me “Nothing worth having comes easy”

Good :)

(p.s. adrian, i dedicate this article for you)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sist, this article encourage me much. Really! Thank God, and thank you!

7:46 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

love you :)

thank you, i need some strength to find my way back
Gbu :)
-praises be to God-

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I came across your blog because I just finished watching the same episode of scrubs and I was trying to find Kelso's quote, the same that you have here. I don't know you at all but I want to send you a virtual hug and say "it's gonna be ok." You sound like a beautiful person with a beautiful spirit. All the best you and God bless.

10:36 AM  

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