Friday, September 16, 2005

Wake up, Nia!

Fewh, I am finally back! Thank you for your support and prayer eventually so that now I have time again and can write something in my blog.

I feel really sorry not to write for such a long time, especially I haven’t really shared my personal experiences during the mission trip I’ve been during my summer holiday.

To tell you story about my summer holiday is maybe a little bit too old, and too complicated for me to write in this late evening. Therefore, I will write about what made me cry this morning.

Interesting, isn’t it? For you who haven’t seen me crying, hm,.. now is the time to imagine me with big swollen, watery, eyes.

Last night I called Bang Tepy (it is a new name for my Mr. Weirdo, if you still remember who he is. Thus since now, I will call him Bang Tepy, which means Brother Tepy – shortened from Stefy). It was like normal, almost an hour and a half conversation. Yet, the difference was it wasn’t me kept talking, telling story about what I’ve been doing so far; but he told me a really long story for an hour.


Heheheh,.. for you who know Bang Tepy, you must be surprised. I reckon he broke the record for talking on the phone, almost without any interruption for an hour.

What was he talking about? It must be what on your mind right now, toch? :P

He shared about his ministry in Surabaya. At this moment, he is the member of filmmaker team in his church. His task is to produce film or ads for either corporate ad for his church or to entertain the congregation. It is really fun!

He’s been busy with this ministry for a while; I think almost a year. He is really into it. I am happy. Honestly, I, first, thought that it was just the fun part of the filmmaker team that made him join the team; or maybe it was because of his ‘second girlfriend’ (andhika* – hehehe, sorry ya cheez!) that he joined the team.

Apparently, he is really serious in it. He seems to leave his other ‘unimportant’ activities behind for his filmmaker team.

Last night was the real evident that ensured me how he is now changed. He is really serious into his ministry. He realized how he can serve God through his ministry in the filmmaker.

So, what is the connection of Bang Tepy being a filmmaker team member and me crying?

There is a really big connection.

I’ve been praying for such moment for almost 5 years. I’ve been praying for him so that God changes him, thoroughly; so that he can experience God’s love in his life, know how amazing to live in Him.

God is never too late to answer our prayer.

I just amazed with what He has done for me, for us, and especially for him.

Bang Tepy, I am still praying for you, from here, so that you will more and more be like Him, closer to Him and serve Him. What lay ahead for us is His mystery, I am sure He will reveal it as soon as we are ready. Just surrender to him! Miss you anyway,…

(*) Andhika is a nice, friendly guy, befriends with Bang Tepy since they were babies (am I right? :P). Because he is so (too) close to Bang Tepy, everyone calls him Bang Tepy’s second girlfriend. By the way, I heard the story from Bang Tepy, about your vision, and I am praying for it, bro. For you, be faithful!


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