Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Days After Christmas


That is the word to represent my condition.
I joined a choir and we sang three days in a row during Christmas services.
Tired, yet remarkable.

Yesterday, 26th December
Second Christmas
WHITE CHRISTMAS!! Snowing,....

Today, 27th December
I went to my part-time work, as cashier.
I saw all Christmas articles in the discount shelfs.
Ah, Christmas has gone.

I was wondering. Was it all?
Is that what people celebrated?
Two days of eating high-calorie meals,
drinking Gluhwein or bottles of beer,
wrapping presents and taking them out again.
Is that all?

Ah, I wish they knew that it was actually about Baby Jesus was born on earth.
I recalled Christmas preach I heard last Saturday and Sunday.
Gerald Kelly, the pastor, read a poem; a very nice one.

When the night is deep

With the sense of Christmas

and expectancy hangs heavy

On every breath

Behold I stand at the door and knock.

When the floor is knee-deep

In discarded wrapping paper;

And the new books are open at page one;

And the new toys are already broken,

Behold I stand at the door and knock.

When the family is squashed

Elbow to elbow

Around the table,

And the furious rush for food is over

And the only word that can describe the feeling

Is "full",

Behold I stand at the door and knock.

When Christmas is over

And the television is silent

For the first time in two days

And who sent which card to whom

Is forgotten until next year

Behold I stand at the door.

And when the nation has finished celebrating

Christmas without Christ

A birthday without a birth

The coming of a kingdom

Without a king

When I am forgotten




Behold I stand.


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