Saturday, April 22, 2006


This morning, during my doing final dissertation section, I opened my friend’s blog, Mr. Ega. He is a cool brotha I met in Indonesia last summer. (I reckon I have mentioned his name a couple times in this blog)

His post today shocked me to death, hm,.. not literally but it was like a wake up call that I, too, have to announce to my friend. In my quite time, this morning, I was also reading similar thing.

Here I translate his post, I hope it is a good translation so that you can also experience the same thing I did this morning.

In this world, if I can categorize it, there are 5 types of regret:

  1. One-day regret: if you cook a very nice meal yet it is burnt.
  2. One-month regret: if your hair is mistakenly cut – you have asymmetrically strange hair.
  3. One-year regret: If you are failed your final exams and have to re-do the whole year all over again.
  4. A-lifetime regret: If you have chosen the wrong companion to be your husband or wife.
  5. Forever regret: if you have failed to choose the right savior, failed to recognize the true savior.

Meditate on these points, especially the last one. Do not get trapped by choosing the ‘good’ one or ‘nice’ one (sounds nice, sounds promising), or even worse because everybody else is doing it; yet choose the right one. Because what is good is not always right.

Friends, there is only ONE who dares to say “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Who is He?


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