Thursday, April 10, 2008

Why YouTube?

Indonesia's Information Minister Mohammad Nuh has ordered internet providers to ban access to popular sites like YouTube and MySpace.

The ban aims to prevent Indonesians from accessing a Dutch anti-Islam film.

A signed letter from the minister says: "[The] broadcast of the Fitna movie through the internet by the Dutch politician Geert Wilders might cause disturbance in relations between religions and civilisations around the world."

"We ask you to immediately use all effort to block all sites and blogs which post the Fitna movie," it added.

The letter was copied to Indonesia's Police Chief.



Stopping people from seeing something or hiding any information, without any clear explanation may cause various things:

1. Curiosity
2. Disappointment/Upset
3. Backstreet action

I reckon it is ridiculous to ban Youtube, Myspace, Multiply, rapidshare, and other useful websites just because they are accused of "spreading" Fitna the movie.

There are thousands useful information in those websites, apart from Fitna film.

What needs to be done is educate Indonesians about what the movie is about and whose it is for (in fact, it is dedicated to Muslim, who are in the Netherlands, not Muslim across the world). Moreover, government needs to teach about what they should do. Educated people, hopefully, will know how to react; yet, how about uneducated, "small", people? They are mostly provoked by the others, who are more dominant or powerful. Thus, I think our President needs to speak in a big forum (live) about how Indonesian anticipates and reacts in regards to Fitna film.

Banning Youtube, burning down Dutch Consulates, and hating Dutch people will not solve any problems. There will be a lot more Geert Wilders, who will provoke us. What we should do so that we won't get provoked is determining our attitude.

As it is said by Stephen Covey, it is not the circumstances around us that determine our attitude; yet it is our attitude that determines what will happen around us (90/10 principle).

So, government, what's your attitude?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

utube gak diblok tuh..apa mending akses utube aja? :D

4:48 PM  

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