Friday, December 15, 2006

Small vs. Big

It is indeed not easy to accept what God has given to me with prayer and thanksgiving. It is not always easy. It happens once in a while when God’s gift is fun, wrapped with happiness; yet when it comes to hard, difficult and far from our expectation, I do complain, once in a while (sometimes I complain even more).

This afternoon, I came to a very nice and sound conclusion about God’s gift. This principle is very familiar; I have heard this since I was going to Sunday school.

Have you every heard about Luke chapter 19 verse 17? “You have been faithful in a very small matter. So I will put you in charge of ten towns.”

God has entrusted me for a small thing, if I am faithful, He will grant me with a bigger thing.

I admit, I, sometimes, grumble because of the small amount of salary I receive every month. It doesn’t mean that my salary is too small, or not enough; I just wish that I could have more money. I want to support my family. That’s the most important thing. I thought that I can be the answer for my parents’ prayer. I can support them financially. Yet, I still cannot do that. I am disappointed.

Another voice that is sometimes tickling my heart is the fact that I can probably earn more money, have a better position.

However, I figured out that salary is not a standard of success. It is neither a standard of happiness. Matthew 16: 26 is telling me about this issue. ("What good is it if someone gains the whole world but loses his soul? Or what can anyone trade for his soul?”)

I, now, can be very thankful to what I receive and possess. I believe that God has entrusted me for this amount of money; thus it means that He knows that I am capable to handle this amount of money, not less, not more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

what good is money or success if you dont have someone to share it with..

la la la la
dum di dum

8:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...


12:20 AM  
Blogger Jonathan said...

Hey Nia, in het nederlands ik denk dat je dat nog wel kan lezen toch? ;-)

Heel bijzonder om je gebedsmail te blijven lezen, ik ben trots op je hoe je bereid bent om elke keer weer te leren van wat God voor je heeft klaar liggen, en om jezelf helemaal te geven voor Jesus kingdom.

Heb je nog mooi werk in Indonesie voor me voor een jaar? Misschien iets met Church planting, of student evangelism. Of maybe iets wat God op je hart brengt?

Ik heb volgend jaar jaar stage, maar zoek nog naar stageplaats. Misschien is er iets te regelen via OMF.

De grootste voorwaarde van school om op stage te mogen in het buitenland is dat ik iemand nodig heb die mij iedere 2 weken betaald supervisie kan geven op mijn doen en laten een soort van choach.

Ik wens je al het beste van God toe, samen met Stefy. Pray for 4 you.. Gezegende en gezellige feestdagen toegewenst. Doe je nog iets aan kerst?

Groet Jonathan

6:27 AM  

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